In The Kagayanon Thoughts

On Blogging.

I could not exactly remember when I started blogging but it was sometime in high school when I began exploring the internet. I started writing my thoughts and experiences on the famous Friendster then. What I liked about blogging is that I was able to air out all my sentiments and people, mostly my friends, would comment and suggest on what I’m writing about. When I learned about Blogger in college, I continued my online diary there.

However, I was not able to sustain it since I became very busy in College. I forgot my Blogger account and focused more on Multiply. I did not religiously blog anymore.

It was only last year when I became interested in blogging again. In Manila, I was able to meet my friend from Iloilo who’s having a part time job online. I learned that she was a blogger and gave me the link of her website. When I saw it, I was motivated to do the same thing. I created my personal blog right away.

I never knew that the blogging community is very big already until I met CdoBloggers. I began to appreciate blogging more, especially on its impact on people as a social media.  Not only that, I realized that blogging now has leveled up from how we perceive it before. Today, it’s not just having an online diary but taking it as business as well. Yes, there is money in blogging and anyone could just explore its financial opportunities.

Right now, I am still in the process of learning a lot about this financial aspect in blogging. And I am very much willing to learn more. This does not mean I will delete and ignore my current blog tough but it also does not mean I will prevent myself from creating another blog. A niche blog that is.

Looking forward to more blogging years ahead!



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