In The Kagayanon Whereabouts (Where to find me?)

Cebu Blog Camp 2011: I'm going?!

I am now  officially registered to the Cebu Blog Camp 2011!

I first heard about the blog camp through Wella and by the encouragement of my new blogging peers, I registered myself last month. I was not really confident (being a novice blogger) but I thought there's no harm on trying anyway. Plus, I was convinced when I saw the programme in the website.  Interested blogging topics like photoblogging, travel 101, and social media  marketing caught my attention. These are the things I would really love to learn. So, that made me more enthusiastic!

Now, I am  more excited when I received the confirmation through email and I'm almost  a hundred percent sure to go... especially that some of my blogging friends will be there too.

Hey, if you're interested to join, it's not yet late! You may still register at the  blog camp's official website.

 See  yah on May  28! :)

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