In The Kagayanon and others

The Kagay-anon: Bb. El Salvador 2013, Ms. Sherra Mae Vacalares

Hi Kagay-anons! Here's an interview with the winner of the recently concluded Bb. El Salvador 2013, Ms. Sherra Mae Vacalares! :)

Sherra Mae Labadan Vacalares
Graduating students of BEED-SPED from Mindanao University of Science and Technology

AWARDS: Miss Belo, Best in Talent, Best in Swimsuit, Best in Gown

About me:

I am a bubbly girl and always wanted to have fun in life. Very smiling, energetic, enthusiastic, simple, witty, friendly and confident!
I love to dance together with my friends. I love to sing but unfortunately singing doesn’t love me :D I am an independent, out-going, open-minded and strong lady. I usually turn my difficulties into opportunities to motivate myself.  I also love to get involved in community outreach programs and give service to humanity.
I have the passion in teaching children and enjoy a lot with my students, they are my happiness.

The Kagay-anon:  How is like to be crowned as Bb. Elsalvador 2013?

S    Sherra: Being the first Bb. El Salvador 2013 is a big responsibility for me. It’s because a lot of Tagnipan-ons are expecting much from me. I am quite pressured at the same time because I need to protect this title and maintain its image, name and reputation. I think I do need to prove to all Tagnipan-ons that being crowned as Bb. El Salvador 2013 is not just all about the beauty, elegance and fancy but it is more of a “beauty with the purpose to humanity.

      The Kagay-anon:What did you do to prepare for the pageant?

 Sherra:  Actually, a month before the pageant I was then only told that I will be the one to represent our Barangay for this prestigious event. I felt nervous that time yet excited for it. Then I started preparing myself by conditioning my mind and thinking about it positively. I also maintained my jogging exercise which I have been doing. I had my healthy diet because my body structure was quite big. In fact, my cousins and friends advised me to slim down because among the candidates in term of vital statistics I was really the biggest. :D

At first, I was really not open to my friends about me joining the pageant but then eventually they have known about it and I was really thankful because they helped and supported me althroughout my journey in becoming the Bb. El Salvador 2013. They gave me words of encouragement, inspired me and motivated me a lot. They also help me out in answering questions that they throw at me to sharpen my critical thinking in the way I answer questions which has a great factor in winning. And luckily I guess that helped me very much.

My family was also very supportive; they were always at my side during my preparations. And during practices, they were the ones who were with me and guided me as well.

The Kagay-anon:  What are your plans after being crowned as Bb. El Salvador 2013?

 Sherra:  I always wanted to improve the educational sector of our city and help out our young generations; I guess that would be my advocacy as the Bb. El Salvador 2013.If given the chance I and my court want to do outreach programs together with the Department of Tourism and Department of Education of El Salvador City and contribute further in educating my co Tagnipan-ons.

I am also planning of giving Medical Mission with the help of the City Council of El Salvador City and JCI-Kagahaan Gold #jcikg who is one of the willing partners of this project.

Also, my court wants to initiate tree planting in our city that would greatly help our environment. I guess with these plans, I will be able to create an impact and the best Bb. El Salvador City ever.

The Kagay-anon:  Message to your supporters and friends.

Sherra: First of all, I wanted to thank everybody who supported and trusted me. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

Let me have this opportunity to Thank my aunt, Melding Bombeo who endorsed and really, really encouraged me to join this pageant.  Thank you so much because if it was not because of you, I wouldn’t have this title today.

Thank you to my very supportive, loving and proud family who from the very start always there for me. Thank you for persuading me in a positive way and always excited and looking forward in bringing home the bacon. I feel so blessed having you, thank you so much!

Thank you to my friends,
 JCI-Kagayhaan Gold #jcikg who motivated me a lot and really brought  a tarpaulin with them that showed how supportive they were inspite the busy schedules of my ates and kuyas and inspite the distance of our city. Thank you very much!

Thank you also to all my friends, relatives, and neighbors in Molugan who were also very very compassionate, loyal and were always believing in my ability. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

And most of all, Thank you to the new City Council members and to the organizers of SOAR EL SALVADOR CITY who came up with this prominent event for our city. I know and I believe that in time, we will be really achieving 

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